In May of 2015, the State of California announced their plan to close SDC by the end of 2018. That means finding community homes for over 300 residents, and developing a reuse plan for the property. These are the key documents associated with the closure plan, and Sonoma community’s response.
- SDC Land and Water Protection Proposal (February 2023)
- Sonoma Developmental Center Existing Conditions Assessment (WRT, August 2018)
- Sonoma Developmental Center: Site Transformation Study
- DDS: Plan for the Closure of Sonoma Developmental Center
- Transform SDC Community Workshop #1 Synthesis Report
- Comment Letters on Closure Plan
- 2023 Community Workshop Materials
- 2015 Community Workshop Materials
- SDC Specific Plan Process Moving Forward with Revised Timeline and Public Outreach Plan
- SDC Hiking and Biking Trails Remain Open for Public Use After Road Closure Announcement
- SDC Coalition Releases Summary Report of June 2023 “Vision and Guiding Principles” Public Workshop
- Sonoma County Prepares to Kick-Off Reuse Planning for SDC in 2023
- Sonoma County Seeks Applicants for SDC Planning Advisory Team
- “True Humans” Film Release Pays Tribute to the People and Closure of SDC
- For Your Consideration: A Draft Vision for SDC
Santa Rosa, CA 95404
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Sonoma Land Trust believes land is the foundation of our economy and our community’s health and well-being. Since 1976, the nonprofit Sonoma Land Trust has preserved nearly 48,000 acres of scenic, natural, agricultural and open land for present and future generations. It is accredited by the Land Trust Accreditation Commission. For more information, please visit www.sonomalandtrust.org.
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